About Me
Temiloluwa Prioleau
Assistant Professor, Computer Science Dartmouth CollegeEmail: tprioleau@dartmouth.eduTwitter: @tprioleau_ahlabI am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College. My research is in digital and computational health, wearable technology, and data science, with a focus on developing human-centered computing solutions that enable personalized health.
I founded and direct the Augmented Health Lab - a consortium of interdisciplinary researchers working together to tackle grand challenges in healthcare. I am also an affiliate of the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health (CTBH).
Before joining Dartmouth, I was a Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in the Scalable Health Labs. I obtained my M.S. & Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from Georgia Institute of Technology, and my B.Sc. also in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin.
Recent News
February - Our DiaTrend project was selected for the Dartmouth OSCARRs award (Open Scholarship Commitment Award for Reproducible Research).
February - Our paper "Empowering Self-Management of Diabetes through Long-Term Wearable Data and Seasonal Visualizations" was accepted to CHI 2025 as a Late Breaking Work. Congrats to Yanjun Cui and the team.
February - Our paper "One Size Does Not Fit All: The Need for Sex-Specific Precision Medicine in Diabetes Technology was accepted to JDST. Congrats to the Diabetes Center Berne team and the larger team of experts in the field.
February - Our paper "Clinical Evaluation of a Polarization-Based Optical Noninvasive Glucose Sensing System" was accepted to Scientific Reports. Congrats to Colman Leung and the team.
August - Our paper "Mealtime Prediction using Wearable Insulin Pump Data to Support Diabetes Management" was accepted for publication at Scientific Reports.
July - Our REFLECT2D project was funded by the NIH. The goal of this work is to develop and evaluate a digital health intervention for adolescents and young adults with type 2 diabetes. Congrats to the amazing team and PI Vajravelu.
July - Gave an Invited Talk to EMBS YP (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Young Professionals).
February - Gave an Invited Talk to the endocrine department at Dartmouth Health.
September - Our work on Seasonal Patterns in Diabetes Care was featured in Dartmouth News and 10+ other media outlets such as Verve Times and Tech Explorist.
September - Our paper "Understanding Temporal Changes and Seasonal Variations in Glycemic Trends using Wearable Data" was published in Science Advances.
August - Our research paper was accepted to Science Advances (impact factor: 13.6).
August - Our paper "DiaTrend: A dataset from Advanced Diabetes Technology to Enable Development of Novel Analytic Solutions" was published in Scientific Data.
July - Gave an invited talk to the Texas A&M Research for Undergraduates in Computer Science and Data Science program.
June - Gave an invited talk at Dartmouth Health on Leveraging Digital Technology and Data Science to Understand and Transform Disease Management.
March - Released our first open source dataset - DiaTrend - to advance research & development of novel analytic solutions for diabetes and beyond.
November - Attended and presented our research at Health Data Science Symposium at Harvard.
September - Our research was featured in Dartmouth News.
August - Keynote Speaker at KDD Health Day.
August - Our paper "A Computational Framework for Discovering Digital Biomarkers of Glycemic Control" was published in npj Digital Medicine (impact factor: 15.3 in 2021).
August - Taught a mini-course on "Computing for Healthcare" as part of the Dartmouth Adventures in STEM program.
July - Gave an invited talk on "Opportunistic Use of Digital Devices and Data to Improve Diabetes Care" at IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference 2022.
May - Participated and gave an invited talk at the CHI Workshop on Grand Challenges in Personal Informatics and AI.
April - Accepted to the mHealth Training Institute 2022 (mHTI).
March - Our paper "Investigating Temporal Patterns of Glycemic Control around Holidays," was accepted to EMBC 2022.
March - Gave an invited talk for Women's History Month at NSF PATHS-UP.
March - Our paper "A Hybrid Approach to Realizing Personalized Healthcare" was accepted to CHI 2022 workshop on "Grand Challenges for Personal Informatics and AI".
January - Gave an invited talk on research in the AH-Lab to graduate students in the Masters in Digital Arts program.
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October - Invited Speaker to 2021 Project iSWEST (Innovating Solutions with Engineering Science and Technology) Mentoring Session
September - Awarded NSF subaward to mentor new postdoc, Prajakta Belsare, who was selected as a 2021 Computing Innovation Fellow (CIFellow)
August - Gave an invited talk on our GlucoMine paper at the Endocrinology Ground Rounds at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC)
August - Co-PI on NSF Research Trainee (NRT) grant for developing graduate students in sensor science, technology, and innovation (award #: 2125733)
July - Our paper "GlucoMine: A Case for Improving the Use of Wearable Device Data in Diabetes Management" was accepted to IMWUT (see paper)
May - Our paper Learning from the Experiences of COVID-19 Survivors was published in JMIR Formative Research
April - Our paper "SymptomID: A Framework for Rapid Symptom Identification in Pandemics" was accepted to TMIS (see paper)
February - Gave an invited talk as the PHT180 Distinguished Speaker for Personalized Healthcare Technology at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) (see video)
February - Featured in a news story by alma mater - The University of Texas at Austin
January - Invited Speaker to the Women in Computer Science and Engineering (W-CSE) Mentoring Seminar
January - Gaven an invited talk titled "Enhancing the utility of Personal Health Data to Improve Diabetes Management" at the CTBH (Center for Technology and Behavioral Health)
November - Invited speaker to "Inferential Methods and Epidemiology (PH100/101)" class for Masters in Public Health students at The Dartmouth Institute
November - Invited professor at Virtual Shabazz LLC Program
October - Featured on The Africa I Know: an amazing initiative to "positively change the narrative about Africa" (see my story)
October - Panelist for "Picture a Scientist," discussing topics on women and diversity in Science.
September - Gave an invited talk titled "Leveraging Data Science in the Fight against COVID-19" at the 2020 virtual Grace Hopper Celebration (abstract here)
August - Co-PI on NSF SenSE grant for improving closed-loop artificial pancreas systems used in diabetes management (award # 2037267)
July - C19 Insider Scoop project was featured on Dartmouth News
July - Presented two of our papers on Data-driven Insights and Blood Glucose Prediction at IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Conference
July - Gave an invited talk titled "Data Science for Health: Applications for Diabetes and COVID-19" at the Summer Web-Based Institute for Technologies in CompSci & Healthcare (SWITCH) - A 5-week summer research program for middle & high school teachers.
June - Awarded NSF RAPID Grant for C19 Insider Scoop project (award # 2031546)
April - Awarded Dartmouth Spark Funding for C19 Insider Scoop
March - Two of our papers on Adherence to Personal Health Devices and Reflection on Health Data in Diabetes were accepted to Pervasive Health
August - Received the Walter and Constance Burke Research Initiation Award from Dartmouth College (2019 - 2022)
May - Awarded pilot research funding from the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health (CTBH) for the Digital SMD project (2019 - 2020)
Rice Academy Post-doctoral Fellow, Rice University (2016 - 2018)
Sam Chih Foundation Award, Georgia Institute of Technology (2016)
Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation (NSF), (2013 - 2016)
Graduate Research Fellowship, Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (2012 - 2016)
1st Place in Student Paper Competition, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (2014)
Research Poster Competition Winner, Georgia Tech Research & Innovation Conference (2014)
IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Travel Grant, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Google United Negro College Fund - UNCF Scholar (2013)
Google Anita Borg Scholarship Finalist (2013)
Ford Foundation Fellowship Honorable Mention (2013)
Texas Instruments Analog Minority Scholarship (2010)
Marathon Oil Company Scholarship (2008 - 2010)
Academic Leaders Hall of Fame, University of Texas at Austin (2009)
Boeing Diversity Scholarship (2009)
Rockwell Collins Diversity Scholarship (2008)
Cisco Diversity Scholarship (2007)